Weather Related Organizations > PWSweather / AerisWeather / WeatherForYou

Hamweather Metars **RESOLVED**

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Does anyone know why Hamweather is no longer working to download the current METARs?  VWS shows the files as being retrieved but they have no data.  Since that is the only way VWS will get the current local conditions (NOAA and WU ceased being functional long ago), this is a pretty substantial loss.  I am looking into switching my software to Weather Display. 

I was actually distributing those from my servers which are hosted on the Amazon AWS system.  HAMweather hasn't done in in quite a few years.  Yesterday Amazon forced an update/reboot of all instances to patch a security vulnerability and that broke some of the scripts used to download the data.  I'm going to try and restore everything but I'm not sure how soon.  The scripts are actually about 15 years old and I don't have help with the maintenance like I used to.  I didn't know VWS was still using them and the other options weren't available anymore.  But I'll see what I can do over the next few days.

Thank you for your quick reply!  I'll hold tight for awhile.

I have most of the METAR systems working in kind of a Rube Goldberg configuration but data is updating.  Hopefully there won’t be any problems but I do have more work to do to make it permanent.  You should have METAR data coming in now.  If not or if you have issues feel free to let me know.

They are working again on my end.  Thank you again for the quick response!


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