Author Topic: Any Replacement for TWICAL to set rain and clock on TWR-25 wweather station?  (Read 749 times)

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Offline longmire

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I am still running my 30+ yo WR-25 Texas Weather Instruments station with VWS 15 under Win 7. Each year at New Years I must take the station off line,and wait as TWICAL loads slower on the modern machine than it did under the original Win XP.

All I really want is an easy to use program that can QUICKLY set the station clock to PC time, reset the TERM RAINFALL and adjust the barometer - preferable all in under one minute rather than the five minutes it takes now.

At least under XP you could use the old DOS version of the program to manually reset everything very quickly.

Anyone got a better solution (not pressing the magic button combinations on the front panel)?

