Weather Station Hardware > Rainwise Weather Stations

Rainwise rainfall reading information question


When my Ambient Weather unit failed I replaced it with the Rainwise WeatherUnderground PWS package and an Oracle MKIII-LR display.  The uploaded rainfall readings make sense to me and the web page shows rainfall accumulation in addition to 1 and 12 hour readings.

What I don't understand (among many things) is the rain reading on the Oracle display.  It has current and accumulated readings but I have no idea what time interval those readings cover.

If anyone knows the answer or can point me to a web site containing the information I would appreciate it.

What disappoints me, given the price, is that it appears that the numbers just continue to accumulate until you manually reset them.

You are correct that they accumulate until you reset them, so it's your call if you want to reset the current rain total daily or let it keep adding up for a storm total, personally I like getting a storm total myself.

OK. Thanks.  Wasn't the answer I was hoping for but, at least now I have conformation.

Rainwise makes very good quality stuff that is tried and true, but not going to be up to the latest features, kind of like Davis (when is the Vantage Pro 3 coming out?).  I reset my current rain parameter every morning when I check my Cocorahs gauge.  I reset the accumulated reading on the first of each month, but I like WA7FWF's idea of using it for a storm total.

I agree, the storm total looks like a good idea. When I ask the question I had the display sitting on a desk in a place where reseting anything was problematic.  It has since been moved to a wall mount which makes resetting the rain totals much easier.


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